Classic Recipe - 1 Pound Bag

$ 51.99

Only 110mg of Sodium, 1g of Sugar, and 70 Calories per serving.

The POUNDER!  You’re the type who goes bigger than the rest, so go for it and procure a 16 oz. bag of our CLASSIC RECIPE FLANK STEAK JERKY.

Our CLASSIC RECIPE FLANK STEAK JERKY is crafted with tender cuts of beef flank steak, artfully seasoned in a sublime blend of steakhouse spices and brown sugar then meticulously slow-cooked to perfection. 

INGREDIENTS: Grass-Fed Beef Flank Steak, Water, Light Gluten-Free Tamari Sauce (water, soybeans, salt, alcohol, vinegar, lactic acid), Gluten-Free Liquid Smoke, Brown Sugar (sugar, cane molasses), Minced Garlic, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Black Pepper.